Detox after a Christmas of excess

Photo-Pea Soup DetoxThis year, Christmas nearly killed me! The sugar, the flour, the turkey, the eggnog. OH! The excess!!! I felt like Hunter S. Thompson in his famously lucid and hallucinogenic Las Vegas adventure except instead of illegal drug trips, my stimulants can be purchased at the local grocery store.

I frequently tripped out to the goodie trays. Overdosing on the white stuff (sugar, I mean) sent me soaring high. I felt such a rush of power and confidence. I could do anything as long as I had sugar! An hour or two later, I would crash so low it was almost impossible to carry on with the day. My mind was foggy, my body bloated and everything happened really s-l-o-w-l-y. Breaking up post christmas kid squabbles, tackling the mound of dishes, enjoying head clearing walks out in beautiful nature became utterly unattainable without the additional stimulation of that other over-the-counter pick-me-up, caffein. And so a pattern began to emerge; sugar ups followed by sugar lows which were then curbed by a necessary caffein pick me up and rounded out with a terrible night’s sleep.

To view the rest of the article and the recipe, click here…

About Kay Aichess

A few years ago we moved from a big city to a small town. There were many reasons why we made the move but the most uncomplicated answer is that we wanted to simplify our lives. Two kids later, I am still learning how to make life 'simple'. The baby boomer generation gap means that I never learned how to do a lot of the 'simple' things that my grandparents, great grandparents, etc could. And so this blog is about my efforts to simplify, plant my feet in the ground and live a life that flows with the land and the seasons...Oh, and there are recipes too!
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2 Responses to Detox after a Christmas of excess

  1. Ugh sugar is the worst! I mistaked my sugar addiction as a caffine addiction for so long. This soup looks amazing though thanks for sharing x


    • Kay Aichess says:

      Yeah those two evils work well together don’t they? It’s so hard to get off of sugar, but when I do the world tastes so much better! Worth the effort in the end.

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